I don’t know what to do when I grow up
Send help!
‘What do you want to do when you leave school?’
‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
‘Which career path will you choose?’
‘Where would you like to work when you’re older?’
Are these questions triggering a panic response? Or bringing back memories of anxious uncertainty?
I. Hear. You.
It’s highly likely that you’ve been asked one of the above, or all four, more than once. And that the way you have taken on workloads and subjects at school has been impacted by your chosen future career.
And, while it is important to understand your passions and identify your purpose, it can be really confronting trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life; no matter your age.
The pressure can be suffocating. And, it is completely unnecessary.
The truth is; no-one has it all figured out.
… Even the people who appear to.
So, WHY is it that we’re expected to have it all together when we’re in our teens, and what can we do about it?
Let’s identify the best ways you can ease the pressure when these sorts of questions arise.
You’ve got this!
No, you don’t need to know what you want to be when you grow up.
This is number one for a reason. You don’t need to know what career you want to have or profession that you want to work in when you are older.
Instead of thinking of career and profession, be guided by your feelings.
How do you feel when you perform certain tasks and work on certain subjects?
Your focus should transfer from career and profession to feelings, growth, and personal development. If you focus on your feelings, your growth and your personal development, you will begin to understand exactly what makes you happy and what makes you feel content and satisfied.
Use these as a guide that directs you along your career path and life journey.
Be prepared for change.
You could think you have it figured out. And then life happens.
(This situation happens a lot).
Even if you do have a career in mind, don’t rule out the possibility that things may change. And know that this change is completely fine.
Lived experience is what is going to influence your life choices. So, while you may have all of the educational tools and knowledge to get you through a university degree, never forget that the world beyond school is also a really great teacher.
It’s life experience that is going to change the way that you look at things; no matter which university, TAFE or workplace you attend.
Your career is your own. It doesn’t belong to anyone else.
We are often influenced by the opinions and bias’ of the world.
Occupations like lawyers, doctors, surgeons and even AFL players are seen as the shining stars. It’s like the world wants you to believe that you are a better person, or that you’ve ‘made it’, if you work within a ‘prestigious’ professional field.
Well, I’m here to tell you to do your own thing.
Only YOU can work in YOUR job.
Only YOU will be paying YOUR bills.
Only YOU live YOUR life.
So, it doesn’t matter what the world shouts. If you enjoy it, and it brings you good feelings… use this as a navigational tool when deciding on the career that’s best for you.
And even if you try it and don’t like it. You can try something different.
Be kind.
As you navigate the way of the world, the pressures of life, the amazing times and the not-so-great moments, remember that everyone else is riding the waves of life too.
We need to be kind.
Not everything will go to plan. And that’s ok.
We need to be kind and support the journey of others as we take the time to support ourselves.
Quite often the journey is the best part. It’s not always about that final, ideal destination.
I’ll leave you with one quote that will brighten your day. No matter where you go, who you are, or who you become;
‘When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life’ – John Lennon
If you want to chat about your career ideas, pressures at school or just what to bounce some topics, I’m here for it. Let’s do it!
Mellanie Shaylor
Let’s be friends on Instagram